Doradztwo prawne

Nasze Kancelarie świadczą profesjonalną pomoc prawną gwarantując rzetelną i fachową obsługę. Na życzenie Klienta przygotowujemy projekty wszelakich umów oraz pism procesowych.   Prowadzimy..


Prowadzimy sprawy z zakresu:

Prawa cywilnego – ochrony własności, odszkodowania, zadośćuczynienie, zniesienie współwłasności, zasiedzenie, służebności, sprawy dotyczące naruszenia dóbr osobistych.

Prawa rodzinnego i opiekuńczego – alimenty, rozwody, separacje, unieważnienie małżeństwa, zniesienie wspólnoty małżeńskiej, podziału majątku wspólnego małżonków, ustalenie oraz zaprzeczenie ojcostwa, ustalenie miejsca pobytu dziecka.

Prawa spadkowego – stwierdzenie nabycia spadku, podziału spadku, przyjęcie lub odrzucenie spadku, wyjawienie przedmiotów spadkowych, dochodzenie roszczeń o zachowek.

Prawa nieruchomości – sprawy dotyczące realizacji transakcji, których przedmiotem są nieruchomości, badanie stanu prawnego, zawieranie umów cywilnoprawnych, projektowanie i opiniowanie umów sprzedaży i najmu nieruchomości, negocjowanie umów z deweloperami, bankami finansującymi, pomoc prawna przy nabywaniu nieruchomości, sprawach lokalowych, dekret Bieruta.

Prawa handlowego i gospodarczego – zakładanie spółek prawa handlowego oraz ich przekształcanie, obsługa prawna firm w tym tworzenie umów, kontraktów, przygotowanie i weryfikacja dokumentów, pomoc przy rejestracji działalności gospodarczej, kontakty z urzędami: US, ZUS, KRS.

Prawa karnego – postępowania karnego, karno – skarbowego, spraw o wykroczenia.

Prawa administracyjnego – przygotowanie interpretacji i opinii prawnych w zakresie prawa podatkowego, sporządzania odwołań, skarg od decyzji administracyjnych, podatkowych, składania wniosków, pomocy w uzyskaniu pozwoleń, odwołania od decyzji.

Prawa pracy – przygotowywanie dokumentów i aktów prawnych z zakresu prawa pracy (regulaminów, zarządzeń, pism, umów, kontraktów menedżerskich), sprawy związane ze zbiorowym prawem pracy, zwolnienia.

Prawa ubezpieczeń społecznych – rent, emerytur, świadczeń przed emerytalnych.

41 051 comments
  1. ideea era ca politica e in spatele televiziunii asteia de cacat, nu ca USL e rau si X e bun! Comprende? in fond.. mie nu mi se pare a fi deloc cu tenta spre un partid politic. deci.. ti-as sugera sa mai citesti inca o data si sa vezi ca nu e chiar asa. Nu exista doar Alb si Negru, mai sunt si o gramada de nuante de gri

  2. Thanks for the info. and source, Matt. A score of zero = minimum equality, and a score of 1 is maximum inequality. So, For Harper in 2006 , it is .321, and by 2010, it is .328 , which means inequality has increased significantly during those years. Mulroney/Campbell it is steady at .300., from 84-93 Chretien: .300 -.324 (1993-2003), it has gone up. Paul Martin (2003-2006).324-.321, income inequality actually decreased. With Harper, it has increased by .7 which is significant. Harper’s numbers are also the highest, which is also significant.

  3. Olá….trabalho em um escritorio de contabilidade com carteira assinada, mas pretendo começar a vender roupas em minha casa e pela internet(facebook)…a princípio vou comprar roupas em SP (braz, bom retiro)….penso em não sair do meu atual serviço por enquanto…posso obter uma maquina de cartão móvel?? há necessidade de fazer o MEI??…gostaria de saber quais procedimentos devo tomar pra começar com esse trabalho…No aguardo..

  4. Amy, I adore you. One of my favorite things to do in the summer is listen to Lynn while working in the garden. I LOVE listening to her descriptions of food. I am excited to try this recipe!

  5. Phyllis writes a very good short story. The singles dance that she writes about could be from personal experience or fictional, I couldn’t tell. Phyllis tells it like it is with a touch of humor. Keep up the good work!

  6. exemplul cu Kuala Lumpur.De unde stii ca nu e vorba de o mafie care detine singurul ISP din tara respectiva si care vrea sa controleze si segmentul de piata al localurilor, mascand prin “conexiune internet obligatorie” o taxa de protectie ?E atat de romanesc in a aproba corolare folosind exceptii, de mama-mama, se umfla inima in mine cand vad ca am asemenea cocalaronationali.

  7. ¡¡Qué emoción!! ¡¡nada más y nada menos que la mejor receta!! ¡¡increíble!! estoy con una sonrisa y una alteración increíbles!! jajajaenhorabuena al resto de ganadoras, el Cloud brownie me encantó en cuanto lo vi… sabía que iba a quedar entre las mejores! y el resto igual, una pasada Besos

  8. It can be rare to come across an expert in whom you might have some confidence. In the world today, nobody actually cares about showing others the way in this subjecttopic. How fortuitous I am to have definitely found a really wonderful web site as this. It really is people like you who make a true difference in this world through the concepts they talk about.

  9. 10/12/2010 – 6:01pmEstá claro que la cosa pinta muy mal, pero MARCA con el MARTA TAMBIÉN ERA MENTIRA no quiere denunciar que haya podido cometer algún delito de tráfico de drogas, lo que quieren dar a entender, bueno, sin el entender, es que su carrera deportiva era mentira, sus éxitos, su palmarés como deportista. De momento todo apunta a lo primero, pero a MARCA le importa un comino si se chutó o traficó, lo q

  10. beculet, acum doua saptamani am fost martor la o actiune de intimidare a hingherilor de catre locatarii unui bloc. Oamenii venisera sa ridice cainii, in urma reclamatiilor unor cetateni, insa n-au putut sa o faca pentru ca alti locatari i-au alungat. Asa ca faza asta cu “minciunile” nu tine. E doar o alta despre vinovatie sau nu, acei caini hraniti pot musca oricand trecatorii pe motiv ca acestia le incalca teritoriul. In parc sunt foarte multi copii iar doamna in cauza hraneste regulat cainii din parc. 

  11. Hi SusanI would love to see what you do with all those decorations. I gave all my decorations away to my three daughters years ago to remind them of their childhood, they each got a new decoration for the tree every year until they left home. So I let my girls do Christmas and I shall be travelling down to Cambridge this year to be with Fleur and her husband and Humphrey their ginger cat who is very talkative, his loud meow sounds just like hello! Enjoy your festivities and happy decorating.

  12. Debbie I have tried to make certain albums private too, Fiona – there is even an ‘edit album privacy’ button on individual photos, but this only allows you to edit the text, not the privacy! Really annoying as I wanted to create a private album for a competition and didn’t want to publish it till all entries were submitted, but it seems all business page photographs have to be ‘public’, grrrr

  13. My apologies to those who follow! I’m a technical idiot, so I post, and then Rick puts in the pictures. Since the initial followers email goes out from the post–you might initially be brought to the post which doesn’t have the pics! I’ll try to work on this; I do think the pics add to the mix.

  14. Hmm okay, blev bare lidt demotiveretda min søster sagde, at det sikkert ikke fedt, men væske og muskler du taber siden det går så langsomt.. Så tænkte at jeg måske gjorde noget forkert.Grunden til den sene frokost er, at jeg læser på universitetet, og plejer at have timer til 3. Men skal nok prøve at rykke frokosten lidt så jeg spiser ved 12-13 tiden, og se om det gør en forskel. Men tak for det hurtige svar det er så dejligt at du er så hurtig til at hjælpe

  15. Happiest Thanksgiving to you! I am thankful every day for my amazing friends and family, most of all my children and their pure, pure, ever loving hearts, they truly make my world go round <3 Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  16. Rumors are circulting that U.N. Ambassador Rice is now qualified to be the next Secretary of State, since she has successfully lied repeatedly to the American people and the world and has thus proven her loyalty to Obama; unfortunately, an ability to lie to the public with a straight face may be a prerequisite for a position of power in the Obama Administration, but Americans are reluctant to accept this dubious ability as a qualifying factor for the position of Secretary of State. How did obie get re-elected if the American people are so reluctant to accept dubious abilities?? — looks to me like they really like suckking up sh—t.Reply

  17. Hé Vinvin ?!? bon….euh…..Ah flute , jai encore oublié ce que je devais dire aujourd’hui. Oh je sais ça vous fait marrer mais vous rigolerez moins quand vous aurez mon âge . Bon, ben j’ai besoin de vitamines, qu’est ce que je pourrais manger ?!? Une banane tiens , oui c’est ça , parcque c’est bien connu :La Banane l’hiver sert, Vinvin, à rester en forme et préserve la jeunesse d’esprit .

  18. Hi there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it’s truly informative. I am going to watch out for brussels. I’ll be grateful if you continue this in future. Numerous people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers!

  19. Forget the 88 guy, this weeks sign of the appending apocalypse should be the union of Beck and Druid. Whence the crackpots join together, the end is nigh.I'm convinced that people like Beck, Coulter, etc. are mostly playing a role to get paid. All the people who treat them like boogeymen are helping them get their due. I doubt someone like Beck is much like his TV persona, and I'm not surprised he is changing his tune with the wind.

  20. muy buen post, me gustó, y a ver las recomendaciones de qué se tratan… (al comenzar a leerlo pensé que te ibas a referir a la movilización “twitteril” en apoyo de Christian Van Der Herts -yo fui parte, si)…

  21. wad salamantiihin dhamantiin walaal jimcale adigo booqol jeer mahadsan waxad ii sheegta waxa sweden joogta gabar aan qarabo dhahay ninkiiiiiii qabayna wuuxuu ku noolyahay afrika waxay u heysa hal cuunug oo iyada kula nol sweden kuna dhashay sweden marka ninkeda maku jira walidinta lamidaynayo madama uu cuniga joogo sweden mise wa caruurta joogta afrika kiliya walaal gabadhi aya igu tiri ii weydii wiilka jimcale marka hadiiiiiiiiiii aad wakhtii ii heyso bal jawab mahadsanid jimcaleU codee: 3  0

  22. Wir hatten die bei unserer Hochzeit. Das hat wunderbar gepasst zum Sektempfang. Die Livemusik von den beiden hat wie der Prosecco geprickelt sozusagen. Und abends hat uns Florian als DJ gerockt und uns (fast) alle Wünsche erfüllen können. Ein sehr gelungenes Konzept!

  23. i don’t know if this is true or not (i would think that if breastfeeding reduces cancer the only logical explanation is that formula would increase your risks) but to kaiden’s mommy…umm LOTS of products have been linked to cancers that are still being sold…cigarettes, alcohol, diet soda, deoderant.

  24. There have been no comprehensive scientific evaluations done to prove that onsite storage of used nuclear fuel beyond the originally-intended 60 years is safe.There are millions of pages of documents in Yucca Mountain's license application just waiting to be reviewed by members of the NRC, proving Yucca's scientific qualifications and suitability as a long-term storage site.Yet NEI has basically rolled over and played dead when it comes to demanding that Yucca's license application review process should be resumed.Whose side are they on?

  25. Älskar dina fina bilder! Och sÃ¥ underbart det är att se hur lÃ¥ngt vÃ¥ren har kommit i Stockholm till skillnad frÃ¥n här i Roslagen….. vi har mycket mer snö kvar. Och sÃ¥ lilla fina I med hättan som jag själv hade som barn och som sedan du och Hannah även hade. En liten släkthätta…..det tycker jag om!/Mamma

  26. Oh my gosh! Those Northcott fabrics made an awesome looking quilt. I’m happy those were used because I would never choose those myself for a quilt but after seeing this quilt, I would definitely use those. I LOVE it and think it would make a great manly quilt. And the 1930′s fabrics? GORGEOUS! Wow. Love that quilt a lot.I’m currently doing the Quilting Gallery Beginner Quilt Along as well as making some other things for my 7 month old Granddaughter.

  27. dit :C’est exactement ce que je ressens quand je vais à Paris: j’adore cette ville mais mon moment préféré c’est quand je pose mes fesses dans le TGV. Que le calme revient et que les souvenirs s’emballent… qu’on a pleins d’idées, d’envies et de projets pour le retour à la maison!

  28. The report is not about border detentions, it is about nation-wide post arrest deportation.Ya gotta admit it’s kind of funny when your statements are easily exposed as irrelevant.As always Tony M is just trolling, that’s why his position doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.

  29. Any other reasons? Even in the US, unions and minimum wage laws are preventing a necessary rebalancing of the Labour market. Corporate taxes, and "expected" corporate contributions to health insurance and 401Ks et al similarly preventing hiring. And, of course, continued socialist anti-commerce, anti-growth governments is driving investment away from NZ and the US towards more capitalist-friendly governments, including Canada, Vietnam, and China.

  30. Ahuro, mohu poprosit o odkaz na tento článek? Opravdu by mne zajímal. Nepatřím k těm kteří se nenechají poučit. Možná že jsou mé informace staršího data ale doposud byly vždy v souladu s novými poznatky. To o čem píšete je pro mne opravdu novinkou.

  31. i sadly couldn’t do workout 4 because of my foot so I just did bedtime ab burner twice and some arms workout – that’s the only things i can do at the moment… never thought i would miss sport that much

  32. Apparently Kady O’Malley is not in agreement and is doing phone research tabloid writings.That way you don’t have to actually get off your butt and do some real investigative research.She has some verbal abuse in the G&M directed at the PM re: the “truth ads.”She’s just your average Lib Hack.I’ve seen more action in a funeral parlor.

  33. Tack för en helt underbar dag!!!! Det är verkligen roligt att lära sig nya saker. Jag fortsatte arbeta med boxen senare på kvällen och jag fick en order av min dotter "En sån vill jag ha!!!! Gör en till mig." Det var inte sista gången jag altrade. Hoppas vi ses i oktober!

  34. Hotelzimmerbetten? Ich weiß ja nicht welche Preisklasse das war. Aber gerade bei einem Hotel hätte ich das Problem sicher nicht selber gelöst, sondern die antanzen lassen. Das sollte selbstverständlich sein.

  35. Read my books on the subject of global warming where I refuted Al Gore in books published between 2006 and 2008. I show a graph of the global temperature over the last 4500 years. Books publishedBeyond Global WarmingFacts and Myths Facing Today’s WorldCrises of The 21st Century.They show what is really the things more important than controlling CO2 etc. Mainly focused on the lost of oil and its derivatives by 2037. No way to fly an airplane above 5000 feet economically. Liquid Natural Gas too heavy and inefficient for commercial flights.John Durbin Husher

  36. The bdsm lifestyle is won­der­ful and so is the train­ing of a slave girl. There is much to enjoy about this bdsm lifestyle but you have to be care­ful when pick­ing a Mas­ter or slave. When you first meet some­one safe calls to a friend are very important.

  37. Yes, but I’m seeing spots on my display and they’re not dead pixels. So, instead of commenting dead-tired drivel, I should just say I’ve always liked your posts and ideas about wikis and collaboration. Glad to see you’ve gone back to it.Now, just remind me to read this post again when I’m awake.

  38. Now THAT would have been a Bonekickers scenario! And Gillian moping around the whole time…made me feel like slapping her over the head with the bloody sword!*goes back to stare at shirtless Daniel in your icon*

  39. Its like you learn my mind! You seem to grasp so much approximately this, likeyou wrote the e book in it or something. I feel that you just can do with some percent to power the message home a little bit,but instead of that, that is magnificent blog. A great read.I’ll definitely be back.

  40. Some African-Americans do not feel comfortable seeing white doctors. More black medical professionals might result in better care for blacks.This is complete B.S. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. And stop calling yourself a libertarian. Talking out your ass like that, you can only be a "progressive." True libertarians are about data.

  41. Ainda estou há algumas décadas dos sexalescentes, mas sou apaixonada por eles! Vida é para ser vivida em qualquer idade. Ninguém sabe do tempo, esse silencioso amigo… o lema é viver bem cada dia, cada hora, cada minuto.Bjos

  42. Felipe F. Ferrarezi disse:Muito pertinente este artigo! Gostei muito, e realmente a disputa foi acirrada.São informações como essa que reforça mais uma vez que não é preciso ser rico/endinheirado para poder apreciar dessa nobre arte.Parabéns ao blog.

  43. I’m glad that Notre Dame (as well as the Diocese of Ft. Wayne-South Bend, incidentally) have filed these lawsuits. For Notre Dame, this is a good first step. Unfortunately, the statements from the University and Fr. Jenkins tend to be weak and very nuanced, and those statements surrounding this lawsuit are no exception. Notre Dame is missing a great opportunity to take up the banner and lead the charge, but that can’t happen if they mince their words and are unwilling to stand up and boldly proclaim the Gospel, although it is “out of season”.

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  45. I know my go to clothing item when I can't figure out how to make an outfit feel more special is definately the scarf! My new personal favorite is a deep violet cashmere scarf from India, and talk about a conversation piece. Nothing else in my wardrobe seems to cause more of a stir! Wonderful post and seeing all these beautiful scarves makes me want to go shopping…

  46. ahahahahah, ale pomyÅ‚ka! to chyba przez ten moj dzisiejszy ból gÅ‚owy, matko jedyna! oczywiÅ›cie, że nam daleko!! ech Jak powrót do domu z konferencji?serdecznie pozdrawiam wszystkich blogowiczy!MagdaVN:F [1.9.20_1166]OceÅ„ komentarz:już siÄ™ robi…(1 vote cast)

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  48. Some artists are signed to various labels in different countries. An artist might be signed to UMG in one country but also liscenced to WMG in another country hence why videos with content from other labels are being removed too.

  49. Falta pouco para este chulezento desaparecer das nossas vistas.Serra vai vencer esta eleição e fará correr os ratos fétidos que tomaram conta do Brasil.Fora petistas o lugar de voces é em frente a fábricas fazendo piquetes e apanhando da polícia.

  50. I don’t think “inconvenience” is the right word. You may not see it at this point, but there’s probably a lot more people in this world that care for you than you think, and you’re death would touch each and every one of them. Who knows what happens after all this, maybe the Egyptians were right–and maybe you can take your money with you.

  51. You could certainly see your expertise within the work you write. The world hopes for even more passionate writers like you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. At all times follow your heart. “The point of quotations is that one can use another’s words to be insulting.” by Amanda Cross.

  52. yes. I agree whole heartedly.the word is a lamp of light that guides our path.this text does not indicate that the trees are the ancient and new testament.what I am saying is not completely contrary to what pastor Cox is saying.maybe what I am saying is getting confused in my writing…in revelation 11 the description of the 2 witnesses are given powers only God has. power that only God has demonstrated.for instance the plagues fell on Egypt before a single word was written by Moses.

  53. I would like to participate in this, but have prior commitments at that time tomorrow. So I will send energy to this situation, and hope that I can listen to the call from the archives later. I feel this is an important issue, and would like to add what positive energy and healing I can to the situation.Thank you Thea for doing this!Love and Blessings to you all at The Healing Codes!.

  54. i have a co dependency on it but i told them that was part of my past right now there telling me that there not signing any wavers for it so I’m wondering how long would i have to wait before I’m able to enlist because right at this moment I’m looking for other options but I’d rather do the marines they have all the training that I’m looking.

  55. What is new on this Vepr? The flash hider? Does it come with the pistol grip? Does it some with the railed hand guard? What’s the MSRP? when will it be available?I’ve been looking for a VEPR .308 with a 20″ barrel, but they all seem to be sold out.

  56. Станіслав ШейногаСотником він ще підписався… Виходимо з того, що ми в Україні і все на її території має бути українським. Існує багато законів у підтримку українства, всі їх мають виконувати, а такі як ви їх порушують своїми закидами. З вашого коментаря можно зробити висновок, що ваша поведінка досить примітивна і неграмотна. Меньше б такого бруду зустрічати.

  57. //தத்துவ கோணி தியாகு – அந்திய மூலதனம் ஏகாதிபத்தியத்திமெல்லாம் முதலாளித்துவம் இல்லயா என்ற என் கேள்விக்கு என்ன பதில்?// அய்யா அறிஞரே முதலாளித்துவம் – ஏகாதிபத்தியம்- அந்நிய மூலதனம் தத்துவம் நடைமுறை – அணி சேர்க்கை – புரட்சி இப்படி எல்லாம் உங்களிடம் பேசியது என்னோட தவறுதான் நீங்க தொடர்ச்சியா மொக்க போடுங்க அல்லது கொஞ்சமாவது தெளிவா விசயங்களை தெரிஞ்சுட்டு விவாதமெல்லாம் செய்யுங்க இல்லைன்னா கீழ்கண்ட மந்திரத்தை தினமும் சொல்லுங்க தனியார்மயம் , தாராளமயம் , உலகமயம் , ஓம் நமச்சிவாயா

  58. Peggy, I agree the soy/vinegar ratio is tricky. I've had adobo where the vinegar is overpowering or vice versa. I guess it's really just a matter of what your taste buds prefer.

  59. The yanks can be conservative and still land the best players in the draft if they target those players, I believe the yanks choose not to do that rather I think more often it looks like the yanks may be one of the teams that's pushing for the hard slot draft system. As a fan I want to believe that a team that promote its self as all about winning they invest the resources to land some of these top talent rather than these "value" who either end up as marginal ML or nothing minor leaguer.

  60. True that. Carin would certainly be a more direct source for any of those details. I only knew Patty Ann through the kindness she showed when chatting with her over at The H2.Carin knew her much better than I.I saw this earlier today and thought I’d express condolences for all of us here.

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  62. For my little Optio – If I’m wearing a wetsuit, then I just slip it right down the neck a few inches – it easily holds there. If I’m not wearing a wetsuit, then I’ll put it on the inside of my swimsuit (jammers typically).For the DSLR, I use an underwater housing that’s about the size of a basketball, so it has two handles on it to hold on.

  63. Bonjour, Novice en photographie, je n’aurais pas pensais à ce détail important. Mais je me pose des questions; Je suis sous portable macbook et je me demandais si il fallait que je le calibre aussi. Et si ces sondes marchaient sur mac? Merci.

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  65. is a liar and crazy nut , type a trip to the supernatural on you tube their are 7 parts , watch untill you reach the part of the golden dawn , thats were a x? satanist tell about satans plan to amaze mankind with the idea of aliens , it will shock and amaze you , thios vidoe was made well before thisDr Steven Greer Guy appeared , and he tells you satan will gathers people to promote the idea of aliens by creating bright lights and shapes in the skies

  66. Bringing HTML5 support with H.264 videos would finally bring to and end this senseless push for Theora and put us back on track to having a single, high quality, ubiquitous video codec. Not that that has anything to do with the design of the site, just sayin'

  67. Of course MM could have made a serious film about problems with the banking system and government over spending but he chose the hypocrite, do as I say not as I do, anti American rout instead. I'd bet my life that when the film is released he'll include subtitles in Arabic for international distribution.

  68. Hi, it,s really such a pity that I didn,t get an e-mail from you, actually I did but I checked another mail, that,s so stupid of me.. Anyway, I hope that it was not my last trip to Wiesbaden I absolutely adore your purse as I,m a hige fan of vintage things, they,re always so charming and unique

  69. sevim seydioglu diyor ki:ben 12-08-1971 dogunluyum -10.1986 sigorta baslangicim var 3125 gun sigortam bulunmakta 18-03-2002 de dogum yaptiktan sonra isten ayrildim ondan sonra da sigorta primi odenmedi ben ne zaman emekli olurum baslangic sigortam sayilmiyormu? bilgi verirseniz sevinirim

  70. Vobupu in stiski sem tudi sama nasla to stran in prosila vas molilce, da molite za nasega sina in Kraljica miru na kurescku mi je poglobila vero se bolj. Dajem zaobljubo da se pridruzujem vsem ki molite in vsak dan bom za vse, ki so potrebni ozdravljenja in miru zmolila desetko roznega venca. HVALA da molite tudi za nasega sina da se resi stiske in najde pot nazaj do svoje mame.

  71. A sobering account indeed.It takes me back there. I remember watching it on ABC TV the morning after, having switched off Tony Jones on Lateline (or whatever program it was then) and going to bed about 15 minutes before it actually happened – waking up to the aftermath.

  72. The new New Tab Page is much less functional than the old one. The web apps listing is now wasting a great deal of space compared to the old one. I can't seem to reorder the apps where I could before. I no longer have a recently closed tabs listing. It seems that other functionality is now gone as well.

  73. Moos, I would like to respectfully ask for your blog's hand in marriage. I want to make many babies with Her. They will have Her eyes, and they will be beautiful, and I will cherish them, as I do Her.All hail Moos, forever and ever, amen.

  74. The fear of power shortages in the UK has pushed up the forward price of wholesale electricity to over $160/MW so it is not surprising that nuclear power is looking very attractive with new generation in the UK likely to cost around $100/MW.

  75. I just saw your comment on my blog. Yes we Europeans have a lot to think about. We have caused a lot of trouble in the world in our colonies.Waterfalls: yes the Norwegian falls are much higher and more impressive too. Norway is the most beautiful country I have seen and I was also in New Zealand.

  76. I’m really inspired together with your writing talents and also with the structure on your blog. Is this a paid subject or did you modify it your self? Anyway stay up the excellent quality writing, it is rare to see a great blog like this one these days..

  77. What happened to LA's coroner for "cooperating" (see he was told to not report Breitbart's murder and they STILL killed him) is what will happen to Foggy and all the useful idiots who won't fess up about O'fraud, from the judiciary to Congress. Foggy thinks he's going to get a piece of the pie, maybe some laced with arsenic like the LA coroner? All of the government traitors will get a slice of that commie pie. HA HA HA LOL!!!

  78. >Celia, I wish I make these days a little easier for you, I know they are so hard. I am not looking forward to Mother's Day either but having Noah's birthday so close makes it that much harder for you, I am sorry! I will be praying that you will be able to get through these days. Thinking of you!

  79. Diskriminácia je teda neodôvodnené rozdielne zaobchádzanie, ktoré je pre osobu, ktorej sa týka, nepriaznivé. Existujú však prípady, kedy rozdielne zaobchádzanie zo strany štátu či súkromných osôb je racionálne odôvodnené a v danej situácii nevyhnutné. Vtedy takéto rozdielne zaobchádzanie nie je považované za diskrimináciu.zdroj:

  80. scrive:Grazie per la critica sensata sul . Io e il mio vicino di casa erano solo preparando a fare qualche ricerca su questo. Abbiamo ottenuto una Prendi un libro della nostra biblioteca locale, ma credo di aver imparato di più da questo post. Sono molto contento di vedere questi grandi informazioni da condividere liberamente là fuori.

  81. Comment faire pour qu’un grand troupeau (bêê, bêê!!!), un très grand troupeau, un troupeau mondial, aille là où l’on veut qu’il aille ?Facile: mettez-vous devant les moutons, faites-leur peur, peur…agitez un grand drapeau rouge (Pandémie …Grippe A… Danger…Urgence) et ils se précipiteront tous vers la même porte … la porte « VACCIN POUR TOUS », celle qu’on voulait leur faire prendre dès le départ !Qui aura assez de lucidité pour ne pas suivre le troupeau affolé ?

  82. market since it was founded in 1817, and it remains a driving force today. Even though no new Johnson Matthey silver bars have been poured since the mid 1980′s, they are still one of the most popular silver

  83. Dan, je suis désolé d’entendre parler de Buster. Merci pour lui d’adopter, le ramener chez lui, et lui donnant une grande famille aimante depuis 16 ans.J’ai commencé à rassembler les matériaux pour la construction de mes panneaux. Karma a été avec moi. Alors que je pensais, où puis-je trouver de verre trempé? Puis je suis allé au ranch de chevaux de secours où je bénévoles, et le bricoleur ranch avait une pile de choses à se rendre à la décharge, y compris six portes-fenêtres coulissantes en verre trempé. Woot! Beaucoup de matériaux GRATUIT!

  84. It's fortunate that the tornado passed through relatively uninhabited territory. We have the occasional tornado here in south Louisiana, but we have no sort of warning or preparedness, except the general information to go to an inside place in the house, a closet or in the bathtub.

  85. Hi Judy ~ I think it was you a while ago who was talking about a model of understanding for I/P being one of abuser/abused?TGIA posted a link a little while ago to a great radio interview with Israeli-born psycho-therapist Avigail Abarbanel. She analyses Israel as though it were one of her clients and specifically references abusive relationships as a model. I thought immediately thought of you!

  86. 铭盛卡行(QQ1228557129)所出售卡均为一级卡源,全新无任何交易记录,资料齐全,真实身份办理,亦可指定名字办理,诚信淘宝担保交易! 例如—可以给你淘宝店刷提高您的淘宝信用记录。 例如—你想接受汇款,但又不想让对方知道自己的真实姓名。 例如—您想给领导送礼办点事情,但是又不想让自己的隐私暴露!这时您就需要到我们提供办理的卡,我们的卡可以让您随意的a转帐–送礼。给客户保密了隐私的同时也去除了客户的后顾之忧。本团队以真实代开卡【QQ:1228557129】办理、分别提供7大银行卡;中国银行—工商银行—建设银行—农业银行—交通银行—招商银行—邮政银行[网上银行(口令卡,电子证书,U盾)长期供应,保证全新开户,保证开户资料齐全,保证带真实有效开户原件,承接指定名字开户我们的宗旨是:质量+速度+信誉!我们希望与 有长期需要的客户建立长期合作关系,彼此信任,共同赢利。如有需要请联系!非诚勿扰! 客户的满意是我们的心愿欢迎光顾公司宗旨: 公司执行国家金融方针和政策,在法律、法规规定的范围内开展业务, 自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自担风险、切实为小企业、农民、农业及农村经济的发展服务。公司文化: 诚信—用心做事,诚信为人 规范—规范管理,依法治企 高效—真诚服务,高效便捷 和谐—同舟共济,创建和谐公司口号: 以实力、效率立足于市场 用服务、便捷来赢得口碑 崇尚职业道德,遵守法律法规  急您所急、思您所思温馨提示:在本卡行购买的卡可用于收藏使用!

  87. She’s lucky she can afford it. Most of us just aren’t that blessed. Why insurance in our country will not even pay for my Clomid but would pay for Viagra is just something I don’t understand.

  88. I acknowledge, I have not been on this web-site for a long time, however, it was another pleasure to see such an great points and ignore it. Many thanks for helping making people realize that good issues.

  89. Davvero molto ben fatti. Fumetti e didattica… è inutile che continuo a dire quanto sono favorevole; conviene leggere anche gli altri post suggeriti e ogni dubbio sicuramente svanisce.Un fumettoso saluto ed un fisico abbraccioMarco

  90. I've never tried baking with ginger & black pepper. This recipe sounds interesting! I'm thinking of omitting the eggs & increasing the applesauce. Hmm, wonder if it'll work…

  91. Anna1: Ja kan man göra annat än att skratta åt eländet? Ja förmodligen, du och hela internet ska komma hit nu och hata tills ni blir alldeles svettiga. Ja det är patetiskt, jag har sagt åt alla jag känner att kapa strömmen i huset om jag börjar bete mig så där

  92. So she is betraying what it means to be alive: a body and dæmon, united. Yeah, that works. And I suppose that Asriel's line could be a coincidence. It wasn't something that was bothering me anyway––heck, I didn't even remember it––I just wanted to make my dumb joke, ha,ha,ha.

  93. Nachrichten rund um die deutsche und internationale Wirtschaft finden immer mehr Publikum auch aus Schichten die sonst nichts mit Finanzen zu tun haben. Auf der Suche nach Finanznews werden auch gerne die online Nachrichten der verschiedensten Finanznews online Nachrichten Blogs genutzt.

  94. Door County is a mixed bag these days; yes, it’s still the “Martha’s Vineyard of the Midwest” and yes, it is still unspeakably beautiful when the weather turns chilly at night and the leaves just begin to drop from the trees, but there is an unfortunate set of circumstances that comes with it. The secret’s out, and everybody in Chicago, Wisconsin, and Minnesota know how beautiful it is, and it’s getting crowded.

  95. Je ne suis pas d’accord avec tout ce qui a été dit sur la saison 3. Certes les deux premiers épisodes étaient bien médiocres par rapport aux précédentes saison, mais après … Je suis de nouveau accro. Les personnages deviennent attachants, les histoires commencent à se mettre en place. Bref, c’est pas aussi décevant que vous le dite je trouve.

  96. It’s even worse though because we know what happens when the government props up insolvent banks–Japan did it in the 90s and they lost a full decade of GDP growth. But everyone says that this is the US and somehow its different here. If we prop up our zombie banks its going to somehow magically work but of course, our banks are too important to fail.

  97. O wise woman, to save this divine drapery for sheet chic! Yes, I believe you could start a whole new trend. It amazes that you just whipped this up – I've found even patterns for pre-schoolers beyond my ability. In your fifth picture down, it looks like your headband is a belt and your hair is a black dress on your wall painting. Spooky. Probably it's the lighting in here… Beautiful as always!!

  98.  ( 2012.02.22 11:16 ) : Hi! I’ve been reading your blog for some time now and finally got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from New Caney Texas! Just wanted to say keep up the great job!

  99. What a truly thoughtful idea! When I was a kid I spent a short time fostered and in a children's home (over Christmas) the thought of having something that was handmade just for me would have been very important to me at those times! Super super idea, definitely joining in!

  100. De part mon métier je suis debout toute la journée à piétiner, et vu les chaleurs des derniers jours, je n’ai qu’une hâte le soir c’est d’enlever les escarpins et de soulager mes jambes; ce produit serait vraiment un plus, j’espère le gagner!!!Merci pour ce jeu!

  101. Pres you’re a whinny little bitch! You’re jealous of Jenna simply because you’re a fucking slave to BS, you cannot leave or stop writing or sell it because without you the site is doom. So you have to work even harder (foam and blackout tours) to make more money to buy expensive lingerie for Renee only for someone else’s pleasure (you’re being cuckolded) and you hate that Jenna makes more money than you by making videos of her cooch while farting on her rat dog’s face.

  102. kenapa mufti senyap..jaip?muip?tak kan jadi boneka sahaja..mane tokoh2 agama pahang tak bersuara ker..jangan mundurkan agama islam di Pahang yang sememangnya agak lemah..selamatkan Pahang..tak kan nak aku jugak yang bersuara..silap gaya aku kene jail dlu..maklum la korang faham2 saja la sistem kat negara kita ni kan..selamatkan pahang..rakyat dah bijak..

  103. hahah, nie podcieraj sobie pyska nauką, bo poważn bibliści, archeolodzy i historycy już nie mają najmniejszych wątpliwości że biblia to kolejna mitologia, jak duzo przed nią i dużo po niej. Wystarczy podstawowa wiedza z historii zeby nowy testament zupełnie się rozjechał.Co do wklejania takich stronek i indoktrynacji kłamstwem, nie dziwię się, w końcu to chrzescijanstwo Nie po to macie zakazane przez pape ksiazki zeby się uczyć faktów.

  104. à°•ొà°°ిà°¯ాà°²ో ఉన్నన్à°¨ాà°³్à°³ు à°† à°•ాà°°్à°¨్-à°«్à°²ేà°•్à°¸్ à°¤ినలేà°• à°šà°š్à°šేà°¦ాà°¨్à°¨ి… à°¨ేà°¨ు à°¤ీà°¸ుà°•ుà°µెà°³్à°³ిà°¨ à°®ిà°•్à°¸్(ఉప్à°®ా/à°¦ోà°¶) à°…à°¨్à°¨ీ à°…à°¯ిà°ªోà°¯ేసరిà°•ి ఇక à°µాà°Ÿిà°¤ోà°¨ే à°—à°¡à°ªాà°²్à°¸ి వచ్à°šేà°¦ి…à°¨ేà°¨ు à°…ంతకుà°®ుంà°¦ు à°®ీà°²ాà°—ే à°¬్à°°ేà°•్-à°«ాà°¸్à°Ÿ్ à°²ో à°¬్à°°ెà°¡్/à°…à°¦ీ-ఇదీ à°Žà°²ా à°¤ింà°Ÿాà°°ా à°…à°¨ుà°•ుà°¨ేà°¦ాà°¨్à°¨ి.. à°’à°•à°¸ాà°°ి à°®ా à°¸్à°¨ేà°¹ిà°¤ుà°°ాà°²ిà°¤ో ఇదే à°®ాà°Ÿ à°…ంà°Ÿే, à°¨ాà°•ు „Urban Sophostication” à°¤ెà°²ియదు à°…ంà°¦ి!!!à°ªైà°¨ à°Žà°¨్à°¨ి à°šెà°ª్à°ªిà°¨ా à°ˆ à°Ÿà°ªా à°®ోà°°à°²్ ఏంà°Ÿి à°…ంà°Ÿే… à°®ీà°°ు à°µంà°Ÿ à°¬ాà°—ా à°šేà°¸్à°¤ాà°°ు à°…à°¨ి à°šెà°¬ుà°¤ుà°¨్à°¨ారనమాà°Ÿ!!!!

  105. Hemmetti sentään miten hupsuksi tuo aurinko minut tekeekään. Ajattelin Aleksia vaikka kuvissa olen tietysti Espalla. Hämmentävää. Ajatusvirhe korjattu otsikkoon.Kiitos kauniit kommenteistanne!

  106. Reliapundit:That link to Astute Blogger was *not* OT. It was spot on. What else could it be with the titlePROOF FROM RUSSIA THAT CHARLES JOHNSON OF LGF IS WRONG, STUPID AND COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE REGARDING VLAAMSE BELANG AND „GATES OF VIENNA”Gracias plena for the link. Most blogs have been keeping a low profile and outright support is only beginning to show up.I am grateful that you pointed this out.

  107. Saul, ha már eljutottál a damaszkuszi útra, és meg is fordultál, akkor indulj is el rajta. Tessék kimászni a szarból. Általában ha az ember felismeri a problémát, akkor könnyebben képes orvosolni (kivételek sajnos vannak szép számmal, de szerintem itt most ez a megállapítás áll).Lehet ostorozni a népet, de attól még nem lesz semmi. Csinálni kell. Ti vagytok az írók, ne nekem keljen már benneteket lökdösni.

  108. Love that shot, so colorful! At one time about 25 years ago I gave some thought to buying a hot air balloon (about 10 grand at the time)… and they took off just a couple miles from my place in Kent WA, on quiet Saturday mornings I could hear the swish of the gas burners as they passed over.

  109. Was genau soll lächerlich daran sein, dass die ARD einen Film der ab 12 freigegeben ist tagsüber nicht in der Mediathek verfügbar hält? Weiss doch jeder vernünftige Elternteil das zwischen 20 und 6 Uhr im Fernsehen viele Filme erst ab 12 sind und kann entsprechend reagieren. Und natürlich kennen viele 10-11 jährige heutzutage Möglichkeiten sich ganz andere Filme online anzuschauen. Muss das aber unbedingt von einem öffentlich rechtlichen Sender gefördert werden?Ansonsten kann ich dem Artikel nur zustimmen.

  110. He had finally succeeded michele watches deco an immediateincursion. Home tribaldistrict starting in about 1925 with italian.Have notyet done your part tomorrow the nephew of the emperor will return fromariminum ready. Employee of the foundation anyoneproviding copies of project …

  111. Hola Leire:Ante todo, gracias por visitar nuestro blog.Aquí te dejo la respuesta de nuestros profesionales:“El Regimen de Trabajadores Autónomos siempre se cotiza a jornada completa por la base de cotización elegida por el trabajador autonomo al darse de alta en S.Social.”Si tienes alguna duda más, pásate por nuestras oficinas, te atenderemos encantados/as.Saludos,

  112. Bocsas meg, Te mirol beszelsz?A SZOKOZ saját magát fingatta ki azzal, hogy nem tartotta be a minimális szabalyokat! Tudtad azt, hogy eppen ezért kalozradionak volt minősítve?Lejárt a frekije és irt egy szar pályázatot, Ennyi!Szivesen elmondom a korrekt tortenetet, keres meg batran, ha akarod hallani az igazságot! Én is ott radioztam, hidd el ismerem a sztorit!Horváth Zoltán(Golyo)

  113. Yeah, I vaguely remember The Clash. By that time the dark days of disco had pretty much ended any habit I had of listening to music on the radio. Any overlap between what I have listened to since then and what was significant or popular is purely coincidental.A local Minnesota blogger was doing a series for a while that commemorated the thirtieth anniversaries of the release of what he thought were the most significant albums of that era. Most of it I remembered hearing of but had little or no memory of the specific music. I didn't have cable during the early years of MTV either.

  114. きりんさん、こんにちは相談を読んでみた印象は、息子さんはパワーを持て余しているように感じました。その発散の方向が残念なほうにいっていると感じました。私の同級生(次男)で、それはもうやんちゃで、手の付けられない男の子がいて親も困っていましたが、柔道を習い始めてから少し変わりました。熱中できることを見つけたのもありますが、相手を敬う事や礼儀を身に着けたのもあるかと思います。また体を動かすことで、パワーが発散されたようです。その同級生はお兄さんに劣等感を抱いていたのが、原因だと思います。親も長男に期待してましたから。息子さんは、悪がきグループの筆頭と思われているようですが、方向性を変えればリーダーシップを取れるしっかり者になれると思いますし、お母さんの隙をついてお金を大胆に持って行くところも、他の人には思い浮かばないようなアイディアで世の中をあっと言わせる方向に変えれればと思います。環境を整えてあげるのが親のつとめかと思いますから、本人がコレというものを見つけるまで、いろんなスポーツを習わせたり(ダンスも流行ってますね)、サマープログラムに参加させてはどうでしょうか。あと、息子さんが「俺のこと信じてくれないんや」について。実際にモノを盗んでいるわけですからね。「一度失った信頼は、なかなか取り戻せない」「信頼を自分からなくすことをした」ということを重々教えてみてください。オオカミ少年の童話もありますよね。それがどんなけ自分に不幸を招くか、将来の為にもここで言っておくことをおすすめします。また、同時にご両親もそのことは失望したけれど、息子さんを愛していること、これからに期待していることをお話ししておくといいと思います。日頃から、スキンシップってとられてますか?どこかで、言葉にしなくとも、それだけで愛情が伝わるし、心が落ち着くということを聞いたことがあります。反抗期でしょうし、年齢も微妙なので「触るなババァ」とか言われてしまうかもしれないですけど(笑。そっと背中を撫でたりとかね、疲れたときは耳を揉むといいらしいとか言って触ったりね、そういう触れ合いも大切かなと思いました。子育ては大変ですよね。正解はないものですし。息子さんが立派な青年になるといいですね!

  115. You ARE your own brand… every time you make a conscious decision to NOT say something online, to phrase something you do say in a certain way, to make choices that represent who you are.. that display your identity, you are pushing your brand. You are pushing you.. you are pushing the you that you want/are willing to share. That is a YOUR brand. It’s not you, a representation of you. It’s your brand.

  116. mellaneous:I was wondering the same thing about the bulldozer, shovels, etc. However, I think it has something to do with that piece of what looked like a highway that was split in two they showed every once in a while. Because they keep saying something about how are they going to get the supplies from the airport to where the people are (something like that). I can't remember their exact words right now because I am overwhelmed by the pictures of the results of the disaster being shown on the tv screen.

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  119. Creio ser altura de preparar caminho para eleições no final da época,Godinho Lopes é para todos os efeitos o responsável máximo.A demora na escolha de um treinador, treinador esse que teria de ser efectivamente "O treinador" e não mais um a 6 meses, poderá ser fatal para o resultado do que falta da época e para Godinho Lopes. Carlos Gomes

  120. My parents will be celebrating their 60th anniversary soon. The immediate family will be getting together for the weekend to celebrate in Atlanta. We want to make the weekend special and are looking for interesting, creative, or unique ways to honor this special event. We are not millionaires, so please give us ideas that don’t involve exorbitant amounts of money! Thanks!

  121. Haha, excellent !Et quelqu’un a-t-il eu vent d’une quelconque réaction de Laurent Fabius ? Cela dit, tout le monde va s’accorder pour dire que Georges Frêche était un homme extraordinaire et remarquable sur tous les points pendant deux semaines. Et dans un mois, on viendra se lâcher sur telle ou telle chose lui portant préjudice. Rappelez-vous de la mort de Philippe Séguin…

  122. A W E S O M E ! Poor little bugger though. I wonder if they could get JACKASS to come do a show or be part of their next movie. You know they’ve drank horse semen. How about a late night skinny dipping in a cow pus pool or see who could suck the most cow pus through a bendy straw and spit it into a glass and fill it the fastest without puking and call it “Cowing” instead of “shrimping” lmfao…..ewwww I went there….bad girl….

  123. Congratulations on having one of the most sophisticated blogs Ive come across in some time! Its just incredible how much you can take away from something simply because of how visually beautiful it is. Youve put together a great blog space –great graphics, videos, layout. This is definitely a must-see blog!

  124. Ellos estan desviando los fondos para la investigación sobre el CO2, porque es la explicación “oficial” a los fenómenos que se están sucediendo en el planeta…Para la NASA, la Luna ya no es un destino apetecible…Nos estamos encontrando con muchas sorpresas, aconsejo no dejar de mirar a Betelgeuse…Saludos Cordiales

  125. Pakko kommentoida tuohon nenäkannuasiaan, että kun mulla oli sikainfluenssa, niin mulla oli nenä turvonnut niin tukkoon, että kannusta ei yksinkertaisesti mennyt nenään yhtään vettä. Oli aika jännä olo. Ehkä vähän jopa ahtaanpaikan kammo ja paniikki, kun poskiontelot ja nenä olivat vaan niin turvonneet. Huh. Yleensä kyllä tykkään nenäkannusta.

  126. JUST INSHALLAH COMING SOOM FOR SMALL WORKERS .>>> We hopeful We honest Leaders Rana Hassan jan Sahib With friends , NOT ACCEPT VSS WITH OUT RESTORATION CBA HONEST LEADERS >>> Small workers main Problems Non-gazetted Staff waiting from long time 24 years for departmental promotion still ignored from unjust Management Zia with ppp Government , Where the just for workers Units officers BM Convert friends Junior staff into senior for his persons Corruption ETC ???

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  128. Kedves Fancilla!Kérnék pár nap haladékot, mert most a diplomámat írom, de dolgozni fogok az ügyön és igyekszem küldeni a címeket. Az Oktogonon a Varrógépcentrumban biztos, hogy lehet kapni, de ahol én vettem a klasszikus babámat, az a cég elköltözött a Feketesas utcából évekkel ezelőtt, így nyomoznom kell kicsit.Üdvözlettel:Aletta

  129. Hvis man må bruke det eldgamle trikset om å kle av seg for å få PR, forteller det meg at man ikke har så mye å fare med ellers. Forøvrig vekker man oppmerksomhet selv om man kaster klærne, veier for mye og har et alminnelig utseende. Det er så typisk å bruke ordet sjalusi, jantelov osv. Er det ikke lov å foretrekke damer med intelligens og talent nok til å slippe å vise kroppen sin for å oppnå medieomtale?

  130. I am receiving reports of "404 (Not found)" Crawl errors in my Webmaster Tools for URLs which I am sure aren't referenced anywhere in my sites or externally.I have checked and re-checked the pages mentioned in the "Linked from" section, which all belong to me, and am sure that they don't mention the URLs which can't be found.So this appears to be a bug.Is there anything I can do to resolve the problem?

  131. Mi se pare penibil sa lauzi un site pentru ce contine “in spate”. Pentru mine, noul Hotnews contine o singura pagina cu titlul “Please be patient” (ca se incarca). Asta e tot ce conteaza, pentru mine, faptul ca nu-l mai pot citi. Am trecut pe Ne vedem mai incolo, sper.

  132. I wonder how many of these idiots will show up at the polls? I have a feeling that very few are registered, let alone going to show up.Take heart! We will win this!!!!!If it was a cake walk why would Obama campaign so hard, lie every day?

  133. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!

  134. It is amazing how the sun and the rain filled clouds can have such an impact on our lives, especially now that we are midlifers.As I was reading your piece, I connected, thinking about the rainy morning and how sleepy it made me feel even after eight hours of resting.I especially loved your second paragraph. We all have our meditative times…whether through walking, through music or the repititive patter of the rain. Like you…I love the rain. ( Hee! Hee! It tends to be my best shopping day!)Thanks for a nice reflective piece!

  135. i agree with your comments dan. One think thats was unclear was your statement on reservers. Current are 15.1mmbbls to include the northern section is 24mmbbl. Additional upside is over 80mmbbls. The company should be 4p to 5p as it stands with the water issue

  136. Nice post. I agree that some of their sandwiches have too many toppings but luckily I haven’t experienced the poor service that others have.Like you, I’ve been going to BB for years now (and BBE since April ’07). My only complaint, actually my wife’s, is that BB changed the way they prepare their chicken cesar sandwich a couple of years ago…now it’s too dry and the chicken isn’t shredded like before.

  137. First of all, what about bloggers who enter their work in a contest or challenge? We post the work ourselves, then the host reposts it? Is that anything to worry about?Second, if Google is good at recognising scrapers, why do you index them at all? Users can get the same content without visiting and benefiting a site that is built upon theft. By indexing them, you continue to make it profitable for them to steal.

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  139. hey!Alter du bloggst einfach zu viel. Man kommt mim Lesen schon gar nicht nach. Also – nur kurz, Danschön für die Weihnachtsgrüße und ich will mich nicht lumpen lassen und diese erwidern. Gottes Engel höchstpersönlich soll dir ins Ohr flüstern, dass DEIN Heiland geboren ist. Dein Christus und Dein Herr! Außer ihm gibts nix!!! :o)Viel Segen für die Tage und nen guten Start ins neue Jahr.Norbert

  140. Great article Andy.Here is something that has been on my mind about the CAPEX expenditure analysis. I am wondering if the planned increase in capex isn’t largely or substantially driven by the construction of the new Apple ‘spaceship’ campus the next couple years. If so, this is less immediate a return than it would be if it was investment in tooling and machinery. This could be influencing the capex analysis which would mean less growth could be attributed to that relationship in the next couple years.

  141. Très sympa…Mais, comme dit plus haut (ou du moins juste souligné…) on ne met pas de « e » à « mon chéri », mais on en met un pour « ma chérie »….Voila voila… (C’est drôle de faire des leçons à un professeur des écoles, quand, d’habitude, chez moi, c’est l’inverse.. )

  142. attention à tous ces blanchiments (bars à sourire ou à faire soi même)car si vos dents sont un peu déchaussées tout passe dans les gencives et donne des irritations, il y a aussi une destruction de l’email, sensibilité …cela peut être douloureux !!le faire plutôt chez un dentiste qui examine d’abord l’état de vos dents

  143. “COWARDICE asks the question – is it Safe?” “EXPEDIENCY asks the question – is it Politically Correct?” “VANITY asks the question – is it Popular?” “But the CONSCIENCE asks the question – is it Right?” “And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neitherSafe, nor Politically Correct, nor Popular, but one must take it, because its RIGHT!!”

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  145. Hep, au fait, vous écrivez : “On sait toujours très vite pourquoi quelqu’un fait un blog, même si l’auteur semble l’ignorer.”Si vous avez une idée pour ce qui me concerne, c’est pas de refus, parce que des fois, je me demande …Ben euh …. c’est à la lecture : Dit moi ce que tu écrit je te dirai ce que tu es.Ton bloc-note est dense et juste.

  146. Howdy just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let you know a few of the pictures aren’t loading properly. I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different web browsers and both show the same results.

  147. This is so timely for me. Thanks for encouraging this conversationLeviticus 25:35 (Amplified Bible)And if your [Israelite] brother has become poor and his hand wavers [from poverty, sickness, or age and he is unable to support himself], then you shall uphold (strengthen, relieve) him, [treating him with the courtesy and consideration that you would] a stranger or a temporary resident with you [without property], so that he may live [along] with you.justice is about strengthening our neighbor which ultimately strengthens us allIsaiah 58:6-12 – “charity” gives but justice changes

  148. Sveiki!Es gribēju jautāt, kādas aktivitātes, Jūs esat ieplānojuši šī projekta laikā?Un vai ir kādi nosacīju mi lai varētu pieteikties šim projektam.Paldies jau irpeikšs!Lai Jums jauka diena!

  149. Off the top of my head: Barrons from the Fever series, any of Julie Garwood’s Highlanders, and any werewolf ever (especially Adam Hauptman from the Mercy Thompson series). Thanks for doing this giveaway!~Kristapinkbonanza{ AT }gmail{ DOT }com

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  154. It was frustrating to watch last night how our defense was completely unable to stop Lillard and Matthews. Time after time we got picked an a 3 ensued. And then on the other end we chucked up panic 3s to even the game instead of running plays and getting good shots.The inability to defend 3s is not something new for the wolves. We’ve seen it time and again for as long as I can remember.

  155. Will there be a way to view description and tags from the search results page? And will you eventually consider adding an advanced search so that I can search for an exact match, instead of getting something like, "Jim and I took Neil hiking on Diamond Mountain," when I type "Neil Diamond" into the Search box? Thanks for consideration of these comments.

  156. it came from the leg and skirt steak comes from the plate which is located underneath the cow, not on the legs. I also have no idea why the meat is oily-looking. If the color is brownish, it is probably because it is somewhat aged, but I would have to see it to be sure. Hope this helps!

  157. A big part of the championship years was Lamar because his ability to knock down 3s gave the C room. Last year it was McRoberts, Murphy, Hill who don’t strike fear in opposing teams with the threat of the 3 point shot. That all changes this year.

  158. Así se debería pronunciar (Patricia Espinosa) cada vez que compatriotas nuestros mueren a manos de los asesinos de la BORDER PATROL . A ese respecto nunca ha dicho una sola palabra que demuestre el “liderazgo” y peso político de México en América Latina. Ojalá te mandaran (en la proxima administración) como secretaria de Joe Arpaio, para que lo conozcas…

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  161. Hi Robert,The getCategories() function also retrieves the image data for the category. To output that image info all you need to output is $result[’image’]. If there is an image it will have a value such as this: data/imac_1.jpg. If there is no image it will be empty, so you’ll need to check for that and output the location of a placeholder image instead.Hope that helps.

  162. La France n’est peut-être pas en grand pays, mais elle avait un certain prestige. C’est le pays des Droits de l’Homme, et grâce à la pirouette de De Gaulle à la fin de la seconde Guerre Mondiale c’est un membre permanent du Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU. De plus, c’est une puissance nucléaire, un membre important de l’UE… Donc elle a un rôle à jouer c’est clair.

  163. champs disse:Também concordo com os colegas que são contra outro tampão, joga os F-5 lá em Anápolis, é bom que acaba a vida útil dos F-5 também, quando eles resolverem comprar já não vão precisar de 36 mas sim de 72 porque os F-5 também já estarão esgotados.Esta economia burra custará mais caro daqui a uns 5 anos…

  164. nadaaaaaa no te preocupes…yo estoy sin tiempo..penas puedo pasarme y mucho menos actualizar…es horroroso el verano q llevo de trabajo…q ganas de q termine…h echado un vistazo a tus escapaditas…q biennnnn…yo hasta el 22 de septiembre no tengo vacaciones…así q imagínate como estoy…me tiro de los pelosbsitos preciosa

  165. Is there any political party at the moment with the guts to stand up and put an end to all this evil its seems not. I really do not know who to vote for now and l am deeply ashamed of voting Tory in The past NEVER AGAIN! I will never forgive them for their part in this and some of the comments made.

  166. Very good blog you have here but I was wondering if you knew of any forums that cover the same topics talked about in this article? I’d really like to be a part of community where I can get feedback from other experienced individuals that share the same interest. If you have any recommendations, please let me know. Bless you!

  167. …metamorosati cioé metamorfosati , morosati come innamorati degli alberi per esempio  nei mari del sud non li potano non sanno cos'é la potatura non lo vogliono sapere perché per loro è un far male un ferire un antenato. Io ho cercato di spiegarglielo, ma forse é anche perché i manghi non sono dei meli, chissà???  mystero! jam

  168. I do make olive oil soap with goat milk. The shampoo bars I have made so far are with castor oil and jojoba…..I’ll see if I can find an olive oil recipe…..Maybe I’ll stop by sometime and spend a few minutes talking with you about my venture….Thanks!

  169. Ik kijk nu naar The Big Bang Theory en daar vind ik dus weer echt geen bal aan. Flauw en vergezocht dus zo zie je maar weer hoe mensen tegen verschillende dingen aankijken. Ik herken in de serie helemaal niets van mijn zoon.Smaken verschillen en het is natuurlijk hartstikke leuk als een autist dit herkenbaar en hilarisch vindt!!!!Groetjes,Franka

  170. A wy też macie błąd, że dźwięk wam w grze nie działa? kiedy zainstalowałem te nowości, to nie było dźwięków. Jedynie działała muzyka, która pojawia się przypadkowo i czasami. (chyba wiecie o jaką mi chodzi, ta którą najczęściej słyszymy, gdy zachodzi słońce)

  171. ” fuck off you homophobic cunt”Gee, that is rather constructive of you, Rangi. Why don’t you try to form logical arguments that rebut mine? The winner of an argument isn’t necessarily the one who sounds the angriest. What makes you think that I’m homophobic? I’m not afraid of queer folk in general but if I was, would it be wrong? Saying that people choose to fear something, seems as dumb as saying that people choose to be gay. You are as much of a reactionary as those who think being gay is a sin.

  172. I don’t know much of anything about cows but on the pigs it is in the late fall that the turnips, beets and such become most appetitive. We use them for late fall and winter fodder. By spring many are mush. Those that are sometimes come backup with new growth. During the warm season we find the pigs graze the tops and leave the tubers. They also tend to leave the stalks which then produce seeds so the plants become self-seeding. Note we’re doing no-plow in pasture as opposed to tilled or plowed in field crops.

  173. The national breast beating within the West is surreal considering the following countries (all linked by Islam) were still practicing it during the latter half of the 20th century.Slavery abolished:1952 Qatar 1962 Saudi Araba 1962 Yemen 1963 United Arab Emirates 1970 Oman 1980 Mauritania – (An overwhelmingly Arab/Islamic country)

  174. “Perché se oggi il problema è come dare più potere decisionale ai cittadini, domani – già nel 2013, se il Movimento dovesse sbancare le prossime elezioni – potrebbe diventare come sottrarglielo per il bene di tutti.”E il bene di tutti lo stabilisci tu? Lo stabilisce un élite? Quale parte del concetto di “demo”crazia non è chiara? Se il 51% dei cittadini dovesse decidere per la reintroduzione della pena di morte, un 5% di fini intellettuali avrebbe il diritto (oltre che il dovere, a sentir te) di truccare le carte?Mi inquieto.

  175. Hey Sampson, Hey Delilah, Jet here. Hi Miss Jodi.Mom gave me the most handsome blue harness shortly after I joined the family. It’s all worn in now, 4 years later. Mom finds the harness much more productive along with the correction. Also, my harness doubles as a seat belt in the car. It has a special attachment with a glow-in-the-dark caribiner. It’s cool. I think I’ve grown more fur since Mom adopted me Miss Jodi, because it’s a bit more snug than the old days!

  176. Não acho BEM mais fraco não. Fiquei com essa impressão quando ouvi pela primeira vez, mas depois isso passou. O disco vai melhorando, garanto.Sim, eu estava falando sobre as cidades de origem das bandas, e não dos integrantes (o Finn mesmo não é de NY). E o National me parece uma banda muito mais nova-iorquina do que muitas outras cujos integrantes nasceram na cidade.

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  178. Thetis Island – Keith Cuddeback shares a lovely landscape photograph from Thetis Island, located just off the coast of Vancouver Island in Canada.  Beautiful mountains, forests and the ocean converge in this place to produce magical scenes.  Keith also shares some insight into photography, with an eye towards black-and-white.

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  182. Mas o que é isto???Quando um homem reconhece que errou e procura denunciar aquilo que está podre no ciclismo é tratado como um criminoso?São dezenas de pessoas que trabalharam com Armstrong (colegas, enfermeiros, médicos, massagistas) e confirmam estas denúncias. Não vale a pena meter a cabeça na areia.

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  184. metricpenny,in the words of faux news “some say” jessie was instrumental in the death of mlk .. google who killed martin luther king. steve cokley makes a good discusssion .. check.. however it’s all speculation. 3g-ing.. i-40 south to texas..

  185. disse:Nossa João, me desculpe mas eu não faço idéia de onde conseguir tais fotos. Talvez você devesse entrar em contato com alguém do Ministério da Defesa, e vai ter que insistir muito!Obrigado pela visita, abraços!

  186. Josh December 10, 2011 Awesome job! Just like the rest of the comments, really, you changed the minds of quite a few people yesterday. It really was a “mandatory” event that I would recommend going to any day. Kudos to whoever made the decision of inviting you to Keesler AFB, too!

  187. Groo,Quem sabe… de submarino?Ico,O peixe me pareceu muitíssimo apetitoso. O resto, toda Tokyo e todo o Japão, por fim, todo o oriente, bem… Viajar é um privilégio. Por imagens, fotografias e todo o resto, o oriente não me atrai em absolutamente nada. Mas, 'in loco' a coisa pode mudar muito…. rsrs.Abs.

  188. [..YouTube..] Show de bola esse carrinho… na minha opinião a estética está 100%, tudo perfeito, só na mecãnica que eu iria mas a frente, usaria um motor do uno turbo, com as configurações originais do UnoT mesmo, só pra dar um ar de carro forte, até mesmo porque uma estética dessa não dá pra sair acelerando por ai… Parabéns cara, belo trabalho!

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  190. Tervehdys, Mikko!Huomasin linkin oikeudenkäyntiäsi seuraavien henkilöiden pitämään blogiin Arvopaperi Areenalla, ja täytyihän minun tarkistaa, onko todella kyse samasta henkilöstä, jonka tunnen Kauppakorkean tietokoneluokan väittelyistämme. Sinähän se näyt olevan, aina yhtä radikaaleine näkemyksinesi. Ja aina yhtä tiukkoine argumentteinesi. Vaikka en edelleenkään kaikkiin mielipiteisiisi yhdy, niin kyllä tapa, jolla puolustit kantaasi valtionsyyttäjää vastaan, ansaitsee kunnioitukseni. On se kumma, jos ei neekeriä saa sanoa neekeriksi selvällä suomen kielellä.Tsemppiä vain sinulle, ja kaikkea hyvää! Toivottavasti oikeus voittaa.T. „T-H” tietokonesalista

  191. Por quitar ferro às liortas, e sen alusions persoais (nen a Ana Fernández, nen a Carlos Negreira, nen a Paco Vázquez nen a Thiago El-Rei Fernández etc.) penso que viria ben uma Galicia Bisexual, na defensa da liberdade real, sen as mariconadas e as putadas das imposicions.

  192. Oh, ich hatte dir noch gar nicht geantwortet: das Blumenkleid nach dem du mich letzte Woche gefragt hast, ist von Hallhuber – allerdings schon bestimmt 6 Jahre alt – aber es gibt sicherlich ein ähnliches irgendwo in einer Kleiderabteilung eines großen Kaufhauses oder so!xxx Anita